
Looking Forward

(Italian Archways)

I am looking forward. Not both ways, not behind, forward.(Bonaventure Cemetery)
Looking forward to swimming in an hour, looking forward to a brisk walk along the river as the sun goes down with jelly legs, looking forward to Easter just around the corner, looking forward to wearing the cutesie heals that my Mom bought me today, looking forward to the next great travel adventure, (Mom overlooking Italian coastline), looking forward to wishing my sister a happy 14th birthday, looking forward to Adam's basic training graduation in May, looking forward to seeing my bf in Portland for a week, looking forward to attending the jammin Sasquatch festival with her,

(Playin for a dollar to buy a cold beer, Greece)

looking f
orward to perfect summer nights, looking forward to my next creative venture on the white canvas that awaits me, looking forward to frozen yogurt with friends, looking forward to Andy Stanley's next word of wisdom, looking forward to learning all about my new and cool small groupies, looking forward to finishing my online teaching classes, looking forward to diving into the next unread book on my shelves, (Looking for Janis Joplin on a car? San Francisco)
looking forward to American Idol tomorrow night, looking forward to hearing back from the Peace Corps!, looking forward to everything that is to come...not to dwell on what has not been done. LOOKING FORWARD.

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